The site
EYEZ ‘N TEEF r what we use to consume - and what we look at to figure out if someone (or something) wants to consume us. Humans are the only species that constantly shows the whites of its eyes, and one of the only ones for which baring our teeth can be a sign of friendship.
EYEZ ‘N TEEF dawt cawm is a space primarily for nonfiction essays where I analyze, criticize, and/or gush about things I think are cool to think about. In particular, I focus on specific pieces of media, and on monsters in fiction.
Essays are typically posted once a month, and fall into one or more of these categories:
I try to review both recent/relevant media, and old media that are important to me.
All reviews are given a score of three emoji, which is about as useless as a numerical score - but much more fun & challenging to come up with.
These essays are typically an attempt to explain something - like how certain types of media function, or which elements of a creature design do (or don’t) work.
The explanations usually focus on one particular lens (e.g. editing, or anatomy).
Some things are just better told as a story, whether it’s the history of a piece of media or my own personal experiences.
And some essays may be longer because they include stories.
Lemme just say
Sometimes I just gotta share stuff, and I can’t honestly call it “analysis”, and I can’t promise there’ll be a sensible progression of cause and effect. But I’m gonna share it anyway.
The author
I’ve been in love with visual storytelling almost as far back as I can remember - comics, movies, TV, animation, video games - and throughout all of it, particularly fascinated with monsters.
As someone awesome once said, your friends will save you; in this case, my friends taught me to respect my own musings and interests more than I used to - and so I launched this site.
Extending that lesson, I write things to explore the ways we use media to tell stories, particularly focusing on subjects and texts that are likely to be dismissed and thus uninterrogated - because they’re “not real” or “not important” or “just a game”. Things that, despite these dismissals, we still love, and which still affect us. Badass things. Like monsters.
Sharing something cool with someone new makes me just the happiest ever.
If something you saw here made you go “neat!”, you can buy me a coffee to show your appreciation: